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The Leading Anti-Money Laundering Middleware Solution

Optimiza has developed an AML CONNECT reports extractor software solution in response to the Anti Money Laundering Unit’s mandate to comply with its anti-money laundering regulations according to the requirements of the widely adopted UNODC goAML* solution. Optimiza’s AML CONNECT Reports Extractor is a modular system designed to provide Banks with the ability to report to the Anti Money Laundering Unit all suspicious transactions and activities, based on the standard schema requirements of the UNODC. The reports generated by the application are according to the requirements of domestic anti-money laundering laws and regulations. It provides the basis for investigations into money laundering, terrorist financing, and other suspicious and/or serious offenses. Using AML CONNECT Middleware Solution is the easiest and most effective way to meet the requirements of domestic anti- money laundering laws and regulations

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Main Features

Data acquisition

Data validation

Rules based analysis

XML report generation

Standard report generation such as (STR,SAR,UTR,TFR,AIF)

Reports validation

Charting, Diagramming and Dashboarding


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